About eikona zois

eikona zois was created from the desire to offer our help to those in need around us.

All donations received from you or our activities are used for the greater good. We have the right, and are full of hope, to dream of a better world filled with happy smiles and the right balance.

Our team is here willing to work hard towards this vision, without fearing the demanding tasks ahead. And we believe that the goals set by eikona zois will encourage you to follow and support our cause.

In this non-profit organisation, eikona zois, the main goal is the right and healthy psychosomatic development and upbringing of future’s citizens: children.

We aim to prevent the ever-increasing problems of modern society through our actions and collaborations.

Most importantly, we are here to remind you how valuable volunteering can be.

You may ask for our help with no hesitation if:
  • You yourself or someone you know are experiencing violence or abuse
  • You yourself or someone you know are facing problems with addictive substances
  • Your mental health is disturbed by situations that cause you anxiety, sadness, melancholy or psychological changes
  • You are in need of goods that are a necessity
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You may donate money to our cause, or other goods (food, consumable goods, clothing and footwear, books or any other self-care products) which will be given to those in urgent need.

You can also purchase products from our gift shop! With your help and support we can significantly improve the life standards of those struggling daily.

A note…

Our Greek website is currently being translated to help you navigate through all our content.

Meanwhile, feel free to contact us if you require more information about our cause and the ways you can contribute.

Furthermore, if you wish to become a member please get in touch and we will send out a form in English.

Your contribution to our cause will help us create a better world!